Sustainability Challenge Day 18 – Turn off the lights and unplug appliances when not in use

Welcome to day 18 of the UW Bothell Earth Month Sustainability Challenge! 

Each day of April you can expect a blog post with the day’s challenge, as well as some background information, optional additional reading to expand your knowledge, resources, and updates on other events brought to you by the UWB Sustainability Office. 

Today’s challenge is: Turn off the lights and unplug appliances when not in use!

Everyone loves energy efficiency, it saves us money on our utility bills and it makes us feel good. But few people really know which actions are the most efficient. Turning off the lights comes to mind first, but since LEDs have mostly replaced incandescent bulbs, lighting is actually pretty low on the list of energy saving techniques.

The top of the list? Almost half of your home energy bill goes toward heating or cooling and another 20% runs appliances that pump and heat water such as dishwashers and water heaters. 

Don’t get me wrong, dishwashers are actually extremely efficient, much more so than washing dishes by hand. The average dishwasher uses only 3 gallons of water per load versus running the tap the same amount to wash a single place setting. And you don’t even need to rinse your dishes before you put them in!

Another measure you can take is investing in a smart thermostat that can adjust temperatures according to when people are home or away and the temperature outside. These can be free to purchase with rebates and can save you up to $100 per year according to Energy Star. 

Finally, stop washing your clothes in hot water. Laundry detergents work just as well at cold temperatures and washing machine sensors ensure that clothes get just as clean without extra water or heat.

Replace older appliances with modern, more efficient ones when you can. If that’s not in the cards, unplug appliances when not in use. From your toaster to your laptop charger, these energy vampires as they are called can draw electricity even when turned off. If you have a newer, updated version, this might not be an issue. Modern appliances have standby modes that reduce vampire draws. But it might not be a bad idea to unplug some things when you leave on vacation. 

Additional Reading:

Get involved with Earth Month. Check out our website to find out more information about events, this year’s theme, and our Sustainability Action Plan! 

Upcoming Earth Month Events:

Thank you for participating!

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