Sustainability Challenge Day 27 – Purchase sustainable household items

Welcome to day 27 of the UW Bothell Earth Month Sustainability Challenge! 

Each day of April you can expect a blog post with the day’s challenge, as well as some background information, optional additional reading to expand your knowledge, resources, and updates on other events brought to you by the UWB Sustainability Office. 

Today’s challenge is: Purchase sustainable household items!

There are lots of easy zero-waste swaps that you can make in your home. On Day 11 we talked about zero-waste swaps that you can make in your kitchen. Dish towels instead of paper, cloth napkins instead of paper, tupperware instead of plastic bags, reusable coffee filters or K cups, compostable garbage bags, the list is seemingly endless. 

Beyond the kitchen, there are even more sustainable swaps to make. Refillable soap and shampoo bottles, refillable tablet cleaners, eco friendly laundry detergent, non-disposable razors, and sustainable makeup. There are lots of companies out there to help you make these easy swaps. Grove Co, Blueland, and Common Good can help you clean better. EarthHero, Public Goods, Zero Waste Store, and Package Free Shop can help you find reusable options for almost anything. Made Trade, West Elm, Cozy Earth, Parachute Home, and Avocado can help you find a more sustainable sleeping solution.

You don’t have to buy something new to be more sustainable. The most sustainable option is always to use what you have until it no longer works, then get it fixed and use it longer! There are lots of zero waste swaps to make, and my recommendation is when you really need to replace something, choose a more sustainable option than what you had before. 

Additional Reading:

Get involved with Earth Month. Check out our website to find out more information about events, this year’s theme, and our Sustainability Action Plan! 

Catch up on events you missed on our YouTube Channel and Podcast!

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